
Wednesday, 15 April 2009

WoW patch 3.1.0

It's finally here, WOOOOOOO!

Hang on a second, why am I cheering? Sure its good that some of the bugs have been fixed and my hunter now won't run out of ammo anyway near as much, but really, has it made a lot of difference. Yet again these patches and/or expansions only seem to apply to the players with high level characters (e.g. level 70-80 island in WoTLK) as in this patch we see the introduction of Ulduar, another raid for, correct me if I'm wrong, level 80's. But the thing is that that is all i want to know about Ulduar. It makes no difference to me as a level 57 Hunter, so why would I. Sure, I'll probably be glad for it if i ever reach 80, but apart from some class changes there is nothing here that would make the game any better for under 60's definitely, and maybe even under 70's.

An yep, a ton of people are sure to argue with me. For example many people have said that there is already a ton of content for 1-60 that was there when everyone first started. And yes, that's true, but i think Blizzard has learned a lot since 4 years ago when the game was first released, and many a people have said that Northrend, and even Outland, have some really nice content. Now the fact that they probably have never touched those areas since Burning Crusade means that they seem to just be worried about making sure those people who have reached 70/80 amused so that they continue their subscription, rather than look after some of the newer people to WoW.

Now Blizzard may say that the original content is still enough to continue attracting people to game, as it definitely did 4 years ago. However i think if they made some changes to this original content then they would keep attracting new people. But also, they would attract more experienced people to start an/some Alternate Character/s. This would not only mean they would be continuing their subscription, but would also mean they would see the game in a new light and feel it has been refreshed.

Now i may just be having a nag for no reason, but to top it all, the Patch is around 900MB, which unsurprisingly is rather big, especially when one doesn't live in the cities and has an Internet connection that downloads at about 60KB/s. Plus the fact you can't play whilst it's downloading (yes i know that is justified) means if you didn't know it was coming you have to wait ages before you can actually play.

I'm perfectly happy for people to disagree with what i've said here, and would be perfectly happy for some of you to challenge some of the things i have said. In fact i invite it. If you agree or disagree with what i have said please feel free to discuss this more. I would like to know what other people think about this.

That's all for now,

Laters People. . .

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